XXXII Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 26–28 апреля 2023 г.
Россия и Восток. К 300-летию СПбГУ. Материалы конгресса 645 Литература стран Азии и Африки. Чтения памяти профессора А. А. Долининой (1923–2017) появились в Китае во 2-й половине 19 века. В докладе в основном используются исторические факты о реальном развитии связей между китайской и русской литературой. Уточняются особенности и сущность коммуникации китайской и русской литератур в контексте «мирового литературного сообщества и единого литературно-эстетического сознания человечества, мирового литературного сообщества и региональной литературы как реального зеркала общественного развития человека». 北京大 学 张冰 题目:世界文学视域中的中俄文学跨域传播 摘要:中俄文 学 间跨域传播的历史源远流长。 18 世纪 60 年代中 国 文 学 作品 开 始传入俄 国 , 19 世纪下半叶首篇俄 国 文 学 作品的中译本也在中 国 面世。本文主 要通过中俄文 学 间跨域传播的历史事实及其现实发展, 从 “ 世界文 学 共同体及 其人类共同的文 学 性、审美意识,世界文 学 共同体及作为人类社 会 发展现实载 体的 区 域文 学 ” 两 方面阐明世界文 学 视域中的中俄文 学 跨域传播特点及其实质。 Donchenko S. S. (SPbU, Saint-Petersburg) Vertical structure of Japanese fairy tales In Japanese fairy tales which we can hear these days the structure of the world can be divided in three more or less distinct levels. They are: The Lower level: it consists of the underwater kingdom with Dragon’s palace and the underground worlds; The Middle level: it comprises spheres of habitat of various supernatural beings like tengu, cats, foxes, sparrows, snakes and others; The Upper level: it is the level of clouds and the heavenly world. We can add here that this division is very conditional and not always strictly observed. It is quite logical that the world of clouds and heavens are located above, and the underwater and underground kingdoms are below the earth level. As for the middle level, the hero sometimes falls into the “sphere of habitat” of supernatural, from the point of view of the Japanese, creatures that live on the same level as his native village. For example, such animals as cats, foxes (kitsune), raccoon dogs (tanuki), which are traditionally considered werewolves by the Japanese, ants and sparrows, which do not have the ability to change their appearance but can communicate with people, give them various artifacts. Small waterbodies inhabited by supernatural beings (for example, terrible snakes or water-kappa) relate rather to the middle level, since the interaction of the hero with its inhabitants, as a rule, takes place on the shore.
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