XXXI Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 23–25 июня 2021 г. Т. 2

Россия и Восток. К 100-летию политических и культурных связей новейшего времени. Т. 2 9 Секция африканистов: «Чтения памяти Д. А. Ольдерогге» (1) (a) ɓor -t- o -ɗaa dress -REV- MD. POT -2.SG ‘you get undressed’ (b) mi jomb -ir- ∅ -maa 1.SG marry -DECIRC- ACT. PFV -DO.2.SG ‘I married you’ (c) enen nyaam-u- noo ndi EMPH.1.PL . INCL eat - ACT . PFV -RETR DO.3.sgNDI ‘We (both) ate it’ As can be seen from examples, the structure of a verb is as follows: root + (any number of derivational affixes) + voice-aspect affix + (retrospective affix) + (subject enclytical pronoun) (direct object enclytical pronoun). The possibilities to express changes of valence are reserved among two of these morphemes, namely some of the derivational affixes and a voice-aspect affix.Astudy has been conducted on Pular data to determine the list of such morphemes, their role in derivation and the difference of all of that above from other Fula lects. As a result, there have been found 4 valence-increasing morphemes and 4 valence-decreasing ones. The valence-increasing are sociative, benefactive, causative and instrumental derivational affixes. The valence-decreasing are reciprocal and reflexive derivational affixes and passive and middle voice voice-aspect affixes. It is also noteworthy that reflexive affix is only used along with middle voice transforma- tion; therefore it is not an independent valence-changing instrument. Each of these cases is analyzed to determine the boundaries of valence changing for every affix. Perekhvalskaya Elena (ILS RAS, Moscow) Tonal paradigms: Mwan The need to introduce paradigmatic classes in a description of a language arises when simple rules are not enough to describe inflection, and it is necessary to know to what type of declension / conjugation the given word belongs. This is usually, a dictionary information. There are two types of paradigms. In some cases, the paradigmatic class of a word can be established based on the form of the word in question. In