XXXI Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 23–25 июня 2021 г. Т. 2
230 XXXI Международный Конгресс по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки СЕКЦИЯ XVII • SECTION XVII КРУГЛЫЙ СТОЛ: «ИСТОЧНИКОВЕДЕНИЕ И ИСТОРИОГРАФИЯ ИСЛАМА В РОССИИ» ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION: “HISTORIOGRAPHY AND SOURCE STUDIES OF ISLAM IN RUSSIA” Alexeev Igor L. (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow), Kulikova Ksenia (Independent researcher), Lahuti Sofia (Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for Oriental Studies, Moscow) Utopia and Distopia in Russian Muslim Jadid literature and Islamic political thought: Ismail Gasprinskii’s Dar ul-Rahat and its influences The second half of the 19 th century witnessed major debates over the idea of modernising Russia's Muslim community. These debates were part of what came to be known as Jadidism, a movement for reforming the traditional system of Islamic education. Modernising Muslims introduced into the curricula of religious schools ( madrasas ) secular subjects like geography, natural sciences and the Russian lan- guage. Jadidism, then, became a broad national-cultural and political movement of mainly Turkic-speaking Muslims of the late Russian Empire. Like other ‘non-Western’ national and religious movements of the modern era, this movement has been subject to conflicting interpretations. Jadidism was far from monolithic, and recent scholarship, has questioned it status as an explanatory paradigm for Russian Islam. To simplify what is a complex issue, debate turns upon the tension within Jadidism between renaissance and renewal ( islah ), with its doctrines of pious renovation ( tajdid ), and the idea of bid'a , or illegitimate innova- tion that threatens orthodoxy. For proponents of islah , tajdid reconciled modernity
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