Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1
Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 85 Yahia Baiza (The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, UK) Wladimir Ivanow and Ismailism: The Rise of Modern Ismaili Studies and Historiography Summary : This paper explores and analyses Wladimir Alekseevich Ivanow’s (1886– 1970) contribution to the rise of modern Shīʿī Imāmī Ismāʿīlī (hereafter, Ismaili) studies and historiography. It asserts that Ivanow’s tireless work in studying genuine Ismaili texts provided a historical breakthrough and represented a major milestone in modern Ismaili studies and historiography. His research and publications called into question some of the centuries-oldmyths fabricated in themedieval times by the Sunni ʿAbbāsids (750–1258) to discredit Ismaili teachings and theShiʿi Ismaili FatimidCaliphate (909–1171).The common attitude towards the Ismaili doctrine and history became even more complex after the Cru- saders (1095–1492) addedanewlayer of spurious accounts, knownas theAssassinLegends. The first part of the article details Ivanow’s early life and education at St Petersburg University, where he acquired his academic training in Islamic studies, as well as in the Arabic and Persian languages. At the Asiatic Museum of St Petersburg Ivanow also obtained professional experience in exploring and analysing Persian manuscripts, including those which contained Ismaili works and had been brought from Bukhara and the Pamir region of present-day Uzbekistan and Tajikistan respectively. Part two of the article explores Ivanow’s nearly thirty years (1931–1959) of engagement with Ismaili texts. His critical scholarly approach and modern style of writing transformed Ismaili studies into a well-grounded academic discipline and gave rise to modern Ismaili historiography. Keywords : Vladimir Ivanow; Ismailism; Ismaili history; Fatimid; St Petersburg; Ismaili Society of Bombay; Aga Khan; Sultan Muhammad Shah. Яхья Байза (The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, UK) Владимир Иванов и исмаилизм: возникновение современных исмаилитских исследований и историографии исмаилизма Аннотация : В данной статье анализируется вклад Владимира Алексеевича Иванова (1886–1970) в становление современных исследований по исмаилит- скому течению шиизма и историографии исмаилизма. В статье утверждается, что неустанная работа Иванова по изучению подлинных исмаилитских текстов
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