Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1
I. African Studies / Африканистика Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 75 of ashanti gold-weights in the collection of the Museum of peoples of the Orient // State museum of the peoples of the Orient. Scientific Bulletin ]. Vol. VII. Moscow: Nauka, 1973. (In Russian). 8. Vanyukova D. V., Kutsenkov P. A. Plenniki Siriusa. Katalog vistavki. [Prisoners of Sirius. Travel to the Country of Dogon. Exhibition Сatalog]. Moscow, 2019. (In Russian). 9. Vanyukova D. V., Kutsenkov P. A., Lavrentyeva N. V., Semenova V. N. Expediciya v Stranu dogonov (Respublika Mali, region Mopti) // Vestnik Instituta vostokovedeniya RAN. [Expedition to the Dogon country (Republic of Mali, Mopti Region) // Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS ]. 2018. № 3. 10. Voitov V. E. Materialy po istorii Gosudarstvennogo museya Vostoka. Lyudi. Veschi. Dela. [Materials on the History of the State Museum of the East. People. Things. Deeds]. 3 vols. Moscow, 2003–2015. (In Russian). Illustrations 1. Dagger in sheath. Zanzibar, XIX century. Inv. No. 1028-II 1, 2. 2. Unknown craftsman, head mask, the Baga people. Guinea, late 19th century. Inv. No. 5186 II. 3. F. Iloki. Four birds. Congo, Brazzaville. 1960s. Inv. No. 14964 II. 4. A standing woman, the Dogon people. Republic of Mali. Beginning — first half of the 20th century. Inv. No. 15100 II. 5. Fetish sculpture “The Village Guardian”. Dogon people. Republic of Mali, Mopti region, Bancass district, Kani-Bonzon village. Inv. No. KP 57448. Author’s information Darya V. Vanyukova PhD (Arts), Research Fellow, Department of Middle Eastern, Central Asian and South Asian Art, The State Museum of Oriental Art 12A, Nikitskiy boulevard, Moscow, 119019, Russia, E-mail: darya-29@yandex.ru Сведения об авторе Ванюкова Дарья Владимировна кандидат искусствоведения, научный сотрудник отдела искусства стран Ближнего и Среднего Востока, Южной и Центральной Азии, Государ- ственный музей Востока РФ, 119019, Москва, Никитский бульвар, д.12А E-mail: darya-29@yandex.ru
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