Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1
III. Far East, South and South-East Asia / Дальний Восток, Южная и Юго-Восточная Азия 594 Proceedings of the International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa.Vol. I. 2020 a play of local opera genre based on the novel. For instance, there is a play titled “Hu Sanniang and Wang Ying” 扈三娘與王英 , but its plot does not comply with what is shown in the picture. MAE No.675–48/4 (fig. 4) A picture on a vertical scroll is based on the plot of a tale about the Luoyang Bridge construction, the upper part of it contains an inscription reading “The Bridge on the Luoyang [Jian] River” 洛陽橋 . Apparently, only the left half of the picture survived. There are no captions with the names of the characters or the scene title. The depicted scene is the following: the centre features the Luoyang Bridge under construction, and along the bridge, a public official is walking under an umbrella. Two girls and a boy are in a boat under the bridge, the girl sitting in the centre of the boat is playing the plucked musical instrument pipa , while the other girl and the boy, standing in the stern and front of the boat, are navigating the boat with oars. The bottom of the boat is filled with tied coins and gold ingots. Clouds go up from these characters, which indicates that the musician girl is the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara 觀音 , the girl with the oar is probably the Jade Maiden Yunü 玉女 , the boy is the Gold Boy Jintong 金童 , the acolytes of the Bodhisattva. The people are throwing gold ingots and tied coins from the bridge into the river. In the bottom left corner, there is an impression with the name of the workshop “Ningtaidian” 寧泰店 1 . The depicted story is about the bridge built in the middle of the XI century across the Luoyang Jian River 洛阳江 in the eastern suburb of the city of Quanzhou 泉州 , Fujian 福建 Province. The construction was managed by Cai Xiang 蔡襄 (1012–1067), the chief of the Quanzhou prefecture, also a famous calligrapher. A legend about this bridge tells: “Once Cai Xiang discovered that shellfish covered the supports of the bridge, and he devised to use them for reinforcement of the bridge: shellfish could be mashed and turned into a cohesive mass and the bridge spans could be strengthened by it. Suddenly, a strong wind arose above the river and tore all the shellfish off the bridge pillars, stuck it to the spans and fastened them tightly without nails — the bridge became extraordinarily robust. Cai Xiang was astonished; having raised his head, he saw that bodhisattva Guanyin was sitting on a cloud and saying with a smile, “The learned master moved me with his sincere zeal, and I simply made a little trick.” Then she added, “Ten 1 Several pictures with an impression of the same workshop are kept in the State Her- mitage collection. They were provided to the Museum by a private collector in 1983 (No. LT-7879, 1983–1433). These prints express a wish for wealth. Source: online catalogue of the State Hermitage: http://e-expo.hermitage.ru/iss2/items?info=347308&sa-fund=20&sa-fund- coll=1420515998&sa-category=1257992731 (accessed 14.07.2019).
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