Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1
III. Far East, South and South-East Asia / Дальний Восток, Южная и Юго-Восточная Азия 538 Proceedings of the International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa.Vol. I. 2020 Orientalia et Classica. LXIII: Trudy Instituta vostochnyh kul’tur i antichnosti. [Orientalia et Classica series. LXIII: Works by the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity.]) Moscow: Pero, 2016. 562 p. (In Russian). 44. Tamil’sko-russkiy slovar’ [Tamil-Russian dictionary] / Comp. by A. M. Pyati gorskiy and S. Grudin; ed. P. Somasundarama. Moscow: Gosizdat inostrannyh i natsional’nyh slovarey, 1960. 1384 p. (In Russian). 45. Tirukural. Kniga o dobrodeteli, o politike i o lyubvi. [Tirukural. The book of virtue, politics and love] / Transl. Yu. Glazov and A. Krishnamurti; ed. K. Zvelebil. Moscow: IVL, 1963. 155 p. (In Russian). 46. Vkrayu belyh liliy. Drevnetamil’skaya poeziya [In the land of white lilies.Ancient Tamil poetry] / Trad. fromOldVietnamese byA. Ibragimov. Moscow: Hudozhestvennaya literatura, 1986. 368 p. 47. Vasil’kov Ya.V. “Bureborstvenniy puteshestvennik”: zhizn’ i trudy Gerasima Stepanovicha Lebedeva (1749–1817) [“AStorm fighting traveler”: the life and works of Gerasim Stepanovich Lebedev (1749–1817)]. St Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2017. 508 p., ill. (Kunstkamera Petropolitana). (In Russian). 48. Vasil’kovYа.V. Indologiya v LO IVANSSSR (1957–1986) // Pis’mennye pamyat niki i problemy istorii kul’tury narodov Vostoka. XXI Godichnaya nauchnaya sessiya LO IV AN SSSR. 1987. Ch. 3. Materialy po istorii otechestvennogo vostokovedeniya (k 30-letiyu LO IVAN SSSR). [Indologiya in Leningrad Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (1957–1986) // Written Monuments and Problems of the Cultural History of the Peoples of the East]. Moscow: Nauka, GRVL, 1987. P. 71–85. (In Russian). 49. Vigasin A. A. Aleksandr i Lyudmila Mervart: u istokov otechestvennogo ceylonovedeniya i dravidologii // Repressirovanniye etnografy. Vyp. 2. [Alexander and Ludmila Mervart: at the origins of the Russian Ceylon and Dravidian studies // Repressed Ethnographists. Issue 2.] / Comp. and ed. by D. D. Tumarkin. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2009. P. 375–398. (In Russian). 50. Volodin A. G. Indiya: buduschie vybory i perspektivy rossiysko-indiyskih otnosheniy [India: Future elections and prospects of Russian-Indian relations] // Perspektivy. Setevoe izdanie Centra issledovaniy i analitiki Fonda istoricheskoy perspektivy. URL: budushhije_vybory_i_perspektivy_rossijsko-indijskih_otnoshenij_2013–07–11.htm (accessed 20.09.2019). (In Russian). 51. Yazyki mira: Dravidiyskie yazyki [Languages of the world: Dravidian languages] / RAN. Institut yazykoznaniya. Eds.: A. M. Dubyanskiy, E. B. Markus, N. V. Gurov, A. A. Kibrik. Moscow: Academia, 2013. 584 p. (In Russian). 52. Zagorodnikova T. N., Kashin V. P., Shaumyan T. L. Obraz Rossii v obshches tvennom soznanii Indii: proshloe i nastoyashchee [Image of Russia in the public consciousness of India: past and present]. Moscow: Nauka, 2011. 350 p. (In Russian). 53. Zhasminovaya pesn’. Iz tamil’skoy poezii epohi Sangama (III–IV vv.). [Jasmine song. Selected Tamil poems of the Sangam period (III–IV CC. AD)] / Transl. from Tamil by A. Ibragimov. Moscow: Hudozhestvennaya literatura, 1982. 157 p. (In Russian).
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