Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1

III. Far East, South and South-East Asia / Дальний Восток, Южная и Юго-Восточная Азия Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 537 31. Poeziya epohi Sangama // Stolepestkovyy lotos: Antologiya drevneindiyskoy literatury. [Poetry of the Sangam era // One hundred petal Lotus:Anthology of Old Indian Literature / Trad. from Sanscit and Old Tamil, comp. and introd. by I. D. Serebryakov]. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 1996. P. 81–110. (In Russian). 32. Povest’ o braslete [The story of a bracelet] / Trad. from Tamil, introd. and comm. by Yu.A. Glazova; ed. A. M. Pyatigorskiy. Moscow: GRVL, 1966. 222 p. (In Russian). 33. Povest’ o zakoldovannyh shakalah [The story of the enchanted jackals] / Trad., introd. and comm. by A. M. Pyatigorskiy; ed. E. P. Chelyshev. Moscow: IVL, 1963. 159 p. (In Russian). 34. PyatigorskiyA. M. Iz istorii srednevekovoy tamil’skoy literatury [On the history of medieval Tamil literature]. Abstract of PhD dissertation (Philology). Moscow: AN SSSR, In-t narodov Azii, 1962. 32 p. (In Russian). 35. Pyatigorskiy A. M. Izbrannye stat’i po indologii i buddologii: 1960– 1970-e gody [Selected papers on Indology and Buddhology: 1960s–1970s] / Ed. L. N. Pyatigorskaya; comp. by V. G. Lysenko. Moscow: RGGU; In-t filosofii RAS, 2018. 367 p. (In Russian). 36. Pyatigorskiy A. M. Materialy po istorii indiyskoy filosofii. Materializm lokayaty, induistskaya sistema shaiva-bhakti i drugiye filosofskiye i religiozniye sistemy v srednevekovyh tamil’skih istochnikah. [Materials on the history of Indian philosophy. Lokayata materialism, the Hindu Shaiva-bhakti system, and other philosophical and religious systems in medieval Tamil sources]. Moscow: IVL, 1962. 250 p. (In Russian). 37. Rudin S. G. Morfologicheskaya struktura tamil’skogo yazyka [Morphological structure of the Tamil language]. Moscow: Nauka, 1972. 168 p. (In Russian). 38. Russko-tamil’skiy slovar’[Russian-Tamil dictionary] / Comp. byM. S.Andronov, A. Sh. Ibragimov, N. N. Yuganova; ed. P. Somasundarama. Moscow: Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, 1965. 1175 p. (In Russian). 39. Sedyh V. N. Nash suroviy i velikiy vek: pereosmyslivaya proshedshee stoletie i svoyu zhizn’ [Our hard and great age: rethinking the past century and my own life]. Moscow: Avtograf veka, 2016. 625 p. (In Russian). 40. Shastitko P. M., Charyeva N. K. Period renessansa sovetskoy orientalistiki (II polovina 1950— I polovina 1970 godov) [The Renaissance period of Soviet Oriental Studies (2nd half of the 1950s — 1st half of the 1970s)] // Vostok ( Oriens ). 2003. No. 6. P. 21–32. (In Russian). 41. Smirnova I. N. Kratkiy ocherk razvitiya tamil’skoy literatury (do konca XIX v.) [ABrief sketch of the development of Tamil literature (till the end of the XIX century)] // Literatury Indii. Moscow: IVL, 1958. P. 196–234. (In Russian). 42. Stihi na pal’movyh list’yah. Klassicheskaya tamil’skaya lirika [The verses on the palm leaves. Classical Tamil lyrics] / Transl. by A. Nayman; pref. and comm. by A. Dubyanskiy. Moscow: GRVL, 1979. 94 p. (In Russian). 43. Tamiḻ tanta paricu: Sb. statey v chest’Aleksandra Mihaylovicha Dubyanskogo. [Tamiḻ tanta paricu: Collection of articles in honor of Alexander Mikhailovich Dubyanskiy] / Ed. and comp. by O. Vecherina, N. Gordiychuk, T. Dubyanskaya. (Seriya