Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1

III. Far East, South and South-East Asia / Дальний Восток, Южная и Юго-Восточная Азия Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 491 97 1 ] and many others 2 . Therefore, this tracing to popular Buddhism interpretation is obviously shown in later texts, including the Pu Song-ling’s novelettes. Thus, analysis of the problem brings us to some conclusions: A complex concept of a soul in Chinese popular religion has been commonly used by Chinese storywriters starting from the 4–5 centuries, though the concept itself has never been properly interpreted and comprehended in those literary works. It the later works a soul, being an aggregate of different spiritual components, is usually taken as an integral matter; perhaps here we can observe the traces of Buddhist influence. The famous pre-Tang plots have brought to life quite a number of later interpretations, sometimes pretty far from the original but inheriting the same basic principles of comprehension. References In Chinese 1. Gan Bao ( 干寶 ). Sou Shen Ji ( 搜神記 ) / Hu Huai-chen biaodian ( 胡懷琛 標點 , Punctuation marks by Hu Huai-chen). Shanghai: Shangwu ingshuguan, 1957. 156 p. 2. Huang ting jing zhuyi. Tai-yi jin hua zong zhi zhuyi ( 黃庭經注譯。太乙金華宗 旨注譯 , Yellow Court Classic with comments and translation. Essence of Tai-yi’s Golden Flower Teaching with comments and translation) / 杜琮, 張超中注譯 (Comments and translation by Du Cong and Zhang Chao-zhong). Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 1996. 199 p. 3. Pu Song-ling ( 蒲松龄 ). Liao Zhai zhi yi ( 聊斋志异 , Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio) / Zhang You-he jijiao ( 張友鶴輯校 , compiled and verified by Zhang You-he). Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 2011. V. 1–4. 1740 p. 4. Pu Song-ling ( 蒲松龄 ). Xiangzhu Liao Zhai zhi yi tu yong ( 詳注聊齋志異圖 詠 , Commented and illustrated Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio) (reprinted Qing original). Beijing: Zhongguo shudian, 1981. V. 1–3. 1430 p. 5. Taiping Guang Ji ( 太平廣記 , Records of the Taiping Era) / Li Fang deng bian ( 李昉等編 , composed by Li Fang and others). Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1959. V. 1–5. 4106 p. 6. Yun ji qi qian ( 雲笈七籤 , Cloudy bookcase with seven labels) / Jiang Li-sheng deng jiaozhu ( 蔣力生等校注 , Verified and commented by Jiang Li-sheng and others). Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe. 1996. 767 p. 1 Taiping Guang Ji ( 太平廣記 , Records of the Taiping Era) / Li Fang deng bian ( 李 昉等編 , composed by Li Fang and others). Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1959. V. 1. P. 649. 2 For more details q. v. and Сторожук А. Г. Три учения и культура Китая: конфуци- анство, буддизм и даосизм в художественном творчестве эпохи Тан (Storozhuk A. G. Tri ucheniya i kultura Kitaya [Three Teachings and Chinese Culture]). P. 414–417.