Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1
Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 485 Alexander G. Storozhuk (FAAS, St Petersburg University, St Petersburg, Russia) Concept of Soul as a Substitute of a Real Person in Chinese Short Stories Summary : Stories about a soul replacing a real person and behaving as his sub- stitute for a certain period of time can be already found in Chinese short stories of the Six Dynasties’period. During Tang ( 唐 , 618–907) these stories have been collected in a great many prominent miscellanea . With all that, a problem of the actual definition of soul in the traditional Chinese beliefs and in literary works remains unsolved up to these days. In traditional China, a person has been believed to possess a dozen of souls, and though there is no such a phenomenon as the one and the only soul accom- modating the personality itself, stories about a soul replacing a human for a certain period of time remain quite popular in the traditional Chinese literature. The article analyses this issue on the basis of a traditional literary plot of “the separated soul” presented in Tang and Qing ( 清 , 1644–1912) prose and offers the following conclusions: 1. A complex concept of soul in Chinese popular religion has been commonly used by Chinese storywriters starting from the 4–5 centuries, though the concept itself has never been properly interpreted and comprehended in those literary works. 2. It the later works the soul, being an aggregate of different spiritual compo- nents, is usually taken as an integral matter; perhaps here we can observe the traces of Buddhist influence. 3. The famous pre-Tang plots have brought to life quite a number of later interpretations, sometimes pretty far from the original but inheriting the same basic principles of comprehension. Keywords: soul; theory of souls; traditional Chinese literature; Tang short stories; Qign prose; Pu Song-ling. Сторожук А. Г. (Восточный факультет, СПбГУ, Санкт-Петербург, РФ) Концепция души как замены живого человека в традиционной литературе Китая Аннотация: Истории о том, как душа выступала в качестве замены живого человека и действовала от его имени, известны уже в прозе Шести Династий. В период Тан ( 唐 , 618–907) эти истории были уже объединены в корпусе несколь-
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