Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1
III. Far East, South and South-East Asia / Дальний Восток, Южная и Юго-Восточная Азия Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 335 Speeches followed the welcoming ceremonies. Chief Commissioner of the Soviet Delegation Shtikov emphasized the importance of the task at hand. He noted that the two commands have been “called upon to carry out the historic decisions of the Moscow Conference of the Foreign Ministers…pertaining to Korea.” He then reminded his listeners that it was the “great armies of the United States and the Soviet Union [that] crushed the Japanese imperialists, [and] forever eliminated Japanese domination in Korea and liberated the Korean people.” He then stated the Soviet intention to support the Korean people’s right to “their self determination and free existence…,” before appealing for their cooperation to ensure that this plan materialized. Gaining this right involved a “gradual democratization of the whole of the internal life of the Korean people…” through a process of “temporary trusteeship” that would guide the people’s “political, economic, and social progress…” 1 John R. Hodge, Commanding officer of the United StatesArmed Forces in Korea (USAFIK), then offered a much shorter and rather bland welcoming address where he recognized the importance of the day and the responsibility of the two delegations. Today is an important day in Korean history. This is a day to which all Koreans have looked forward with great hope for the future of their nation, and should be a day Koreans will celebrate in this future as a start of a new era in Korean history. The eyes of the entireworld, as of the Korean people, will bewatching our deliberations here. The results of thework of this commissionwill prove the ability of two great nations of theworld to cooperate fully in capitalizing upon their victory over oppression and despotism and to restore a less fortunate, long oppressed nation to an independent, sovereign status among the family of free nations. 2 The two delegations got to work on March 22 and quickly found success in agreeing upon basic protocol for the meetings: dual (Russian and English) official languages, their frequency, and how the results would be made public, particularly to the Korean press. The delegations also discussed how they would actualize Paragraph 2 of the Moscow Decision: their consultation with Korean democratic parties and social organizations. “The exchange of views,” Joint Communiqué No. 2 read, “is to serve as a basis for determining the order in which [the tasks delineated within the Decision] are to be accomplished.” 3 Another important accomplishment involved their agreeing on Joint Communique No. 5 in April 1946, a pledge of support that interested Korean political parties and 1 The text of Shtikov’s speech is found in Lieutenant John R. Hodge to the Secretary of State (Received March 22, 1946) // FRUS, VIII, The Far East. P. 652–654. 2 Statement of Lieutenant John R. Hodge at Opening session of Joint Soviet-United States Commission at Seoul, Korea (March 20, 1946) // NARA. 3 Joint Communiqué No. 2 (March 22, 1946) // NARA.
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