Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1

II. Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia / Ближний Восток, Кавказ и Центральная Азия 252 Proceedings of the International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa.Vol. I. 2020 ХVII v. // Krachkovskiy I. Yu. Izbranniye sochineniya. [Description of the Travel of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch as a monument of Arabic geographical literature and as a source for the history of Russia in the XVII century // Selected Works]. 6 vols. Moscow – Leningrad, 1955. Vol. 1. P. 259–272. (In Russian). 11. Krachkovskiy I. Yu. Arabskaya geograficheskaya literatura // Krachkovskiy I. Yu. Izbrznnye soch. [Arabic geographical literature // Selected Works]. 6 vols. Moscow – Leningrad, 1957. Vol. 4. P. 688–689. (In Russian). 12. Margeret Jacques. Sostoyanie Rossiyskoy derjavy i Velikogo kniajestva Moskovskogo, s prisovokupleniem izvestiy o dostopamiatnykh sobytiyakh chetyriokh tzarstvovaniy, s 1590 po sentiabr’ 1606 g. // Rossia XVII v.: vospominaniya inostrantsev. [Russian translation of: Estat de l’Empire de Russie et Grand Duché de Moscovie avec ce que s’y est passé de plus memorable et tragique, pendant le règne de quatre Empe- reurs: à sçavoir depuis l’an 1590 jusques en l’an 1606 en septembre // XVII C. Russia: foreigners’ memoirs]. Smolensk: Rusich, 2003. P. 10–76. (In Russian). 13. Meyerberg A. Albom Meyerberga. Vidy i bytoviye kartiny Rossii XVII veka. Risunki Drezdenskogo alboma, vosproizvedennyie s podlinnika v natural’nuyu velichinu s prilojeniem karty puti tsesarskogo posol’stva. [Meyerberg’sAlbum. Views and everyday scenes of Russia in XVII century. Drawings of the Dresden album, reproduced from the original in full size with the application of a map of the way of the Cesar Embassy 1661–62]. St Petersburg: Izd. A. S. Suvorina, 1903. 124 p. (In Russian). 14. Oliarius Adam. Opisanie puteshestviya v Moskoviyu i cherez Moskoviyu v Per- siyu i obratno [Description of the Travel to Moskovia and through Moskovia to Persia and back]. St Petersburg, 1906. 174 s. 15. Panchenko K. A. Blijnevostochnoye pravoslaviye pod osmanskim vladychest- vom. Pervye tri stoletiya, 1516–1831. [Middle Eastern Orthodoxy under Ottoman rule. The first three centuries, 1516–1831] / otv. red. S. A. Kirillina. Moscow: Indrik, 2012. P. 345–422. (In Russian). 16. Panchenko K. A. Rossia i Antiokhiyskiy Patriarkhat: nachalo dialoga. [Russia and the Patriarchate of Antioch: the beginning of a dialogue] // Rossia i Khristianskiy Vostok. Moscow, 2004. Issue 2/3. P. 206–208. (In Russian). 17. Pоumpian G. Z. Khristiansko-arabskiye kontakty Moskovsoy Rusi XVII v. i Russkoye gosudarstvo v khristiansko-arabskoy geograficheskoy literature (Puteshestviye Patriarkha Makariya Antiokhiyskogo). [Christian-Arab contacts of Moscow Russia in the XVII century and the Russian state in the Christian-Arab geographical literature (The Travel of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch)] // ASIATICA: Trudy po filosofii i kulturam Vostoka / Sankt-Peterburgskoye filosofskoye obschestvo. Ed. T. G. Tumanian, V. V. Markov. St Petersburg. 2018. Issue 12 (2). P. 98–122. (In Russian). 18. Puteshestvie Patriarkha MakariyaAntiokhiyskogo v polovine XVII v. opisannoe yego synom arkhidiakonom Pavlom Aleppskim: po rukopisi Moskovskgo glavnogo arkhiva MID / per. s arab. G. Murkosa. [The Travel of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch in the 2nd half of the XVII century described by his son Archdeacon Paul of Aleppo: according to the manuscript of the Moscow Main Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ Tr. from Arabic by G. Murkos]. Moscow, 1896–1898. Pt. 1–2. 166 p. + 208 p.