Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1
II. Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia / Ближний Восток, Кавказ и Центральная Азия Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 231 importance. He describes Patriarch Nikon (his high status, intellect, independence, arrogance, love for the Greeks and their rite, relations with the Tsar) and indicates the important role of Patriarch Macarius in the course of the reform (participation in the Church Council in 1655, his support for Nikon in taking the decision to destruct icons painted under the influence of Western European art, the transition to the three-fin- gered sign of the cross, etc.). Nikon's activity was evaluated differently in Church historiography, ranging from full support to critical attitude, e.g. by N. F. Kapterev. Paul of Aleppo speaks about baptising different peoples by the Russian Church, its contacts with foreign Churches, wary attitude towards representatives of other faiths. Paul was the only foreigner (except N. Witsen) among those who wrote about Russia, who could visit Orthodox churches. He provides a wealth of detail of archi- tecture of the cathedrals, bell ringing, arrangement of icons, services, Church festivals (including not extant such as the procession on the donkey on Palm Sunday ( ,)الشعانين Lent food (in comparison with that in Syria), careful accounting and storage of gifts in Tsar’s Treasury, etc. Differences in the construction of bulbous domes in Moscow )ممشوقات رفيعات( and hemispherical domes in Byzantine style in Syria and the country of Cossacks ( )مثل قباب بلادنا واسعات مدورات are marked. His works also reflect activities of a circle of zealots of spiritual piety that influenced later ethics of “Old Believers” (e.g., realization of the Nikon’s decree of 11August 1652 on restrictions on sale of vodka). He compares the Church singing inMoscow ( )بصوت منخفضعريضحنون حلو يفتفت القلب with that in Syria ( ,)بصوت عالى describes bringing boy singers from the land of the Cossacks and nuns from the Western lands to Moscow on the orders of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, which further contributed to the gradual development of new styles in Russian Church singing. The book of Paul ofAleppo gives a multifaceted look at the Church life of Russian Tsardom before the end of the schism, on the eve of Peter's reforms. Keywords: Tsardom of Muscovy; Arabic sources about Russia; Patriarch of Antioch Macarius; Archdeacon Paul of Aleppo; Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich; Patriarch Nikon; Church reform in the Russian Orthodox Church of the XVII C.; Russian Church architecture in the XVII C.; worship in the Russian Orthodox Church of the XVII C.; Russia and Christian East in the XVII C. Г. З. Пумпян (БАН, Санкт-Петербург, РФ) Церковь и общество в Московской Руси в XVII в. в «Путешествии Патриарха Макария Антиохийского» (рукопись В 1230, 1700 г.) Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются особенности церковной жизни и роль Церкви в русском обществе XVII в., представленные в труде Павла Алеппского, посвященном путешествию Патриарха Макария Антиохийского в Московское царство в 1652–1659 гг. Поездка была предпринята с целью сбора милостыни для уплаты долгов епархии. Московскими властями Макарий рассматривался как важный арбитр в проведении церковной реформы. Архидиакон Павел
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