Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1
172 Proceedings of the International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa.Vol. I. 2020 GulbakhremM. Molotova (Institute of Oriental Studies, Almaty, Kazakhstan) “Diwan” of Khushhal Gharibi and its Manuscript Copies Summary: The works of the 19th century poet Khushhal Gharibi remained unknown until the second half of the 20th century, when Uzbek scholars found two manuscripts of his “Diwan” stored in manuscripts collections of Uzbekistan. Two more manuscripts of this “Diwan” were discovered later. The study of these manuscripts has indicated that Khushhal Gharibi was a poet who contributed to the development of Sufi poetry in Turkic. On the basis of information from the introductory part of his “Diwan”, the author of the article established some biographical data: the poet was born in Kashghar, received education in one of the madrasa s of the city, was a follower of the tariqat Naqshbandiya; the reasons for his emigration to Kokand Khanate were also identified. His works created in the territory of Eastern Turkestan are unknown so far. Only the “Diwan” compiled in the territory of Kokand khanate is known today. Three available copies of the “Diwan” have been studied, and it has been concluded that the manuscript from a private collection is more complete. This copy has served as a basis for the present research. The “Diwan” was composed in strict observance of the tradition: it begins with an introductory section written in prose, the poetic part starts with ghazal s followed by mustazad s, tarji‘band s, ruba‘i s, etc., and ends with Khatima (conclusion). A large part of the “Diwan” is made up of ghazal s. Poetical works included in the “Diwan” were analyzed, and the poet’s system of values was studied. While composing his works, Khushhal Gharibi adhered to the canons of the Muslim poetry, as demonstrated by motives, pictorial and expres- sive technique used by the poet, the images created by him, and the compositional structure of his ghazal s, mukhammas es, chistan s, etc. Nevertheless, the poet had his own individual style, his favorite methods of comparison. Thanks to the chronogram given in the conclusion to “Diwan”, the date of its composition has been established. Based on the numeric meaning of his penname, an assumption is made about the date of birth of the poet. Besides his “Diwan”, some ghazal s by the poet have been found included into poetic antologies ( bayaz ). This fact testifies recognition of Khushhal Gharibi's talent by the literary circles of the Kokand Khanate. Keywords: Khushhal Gharibi; Sufism; Turkic manuscripts; diwan ; Uyghur liter- ature; Sufi poetry; Naqshbandiya; Eastern Turkistan; Central Asia.
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