Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1

II. Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia / Ближний Восток, Кавказ и Центральная Азия 170 Proceedings of the International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa.Vol. I. 2020 25. Markovin V. I., Munchaev R. M. Kamennye izvayaniya Checheno-Ingushetiyia // Sovetskaya arkheologia. [Stone sculptures of Checheno-Ingushetiya // Soviet Archaeology ]. 1964. Vol. 1. С. 158–164. (In Russian). 26. Meskhidze Dzh. I. Maloizvestnye stranitsy Dagestano-Chechenskoy expeditsii 1923 g.: MaterialyA. Yu. Balshina “Razvedka v Nagornoy Chechne”. [Little-known pages of the Daghestan-Chechen expedition of 1923:A. Yu. Balshin's materials “Archaeological Exploration in Mountainous Chechnya”] // Kunstkamera. Etnograficheskie tetradi . 1998. Vol. 12. P. 176–197. (In Russian). 27. Musul’manskiy mir Rossiyskoy imperii: Al’bom. Avtor-sostavitel’ Dluzh­ nevskaya G. V. [The Muslim World of Russian Empire: An Album. Compiled by Dluzhnevskaya G. V.]. St Petersburg, 2006. 304 p. (In Russian). 28. Nachkebia M. The Georgian Toponyms on the Territory of the North Caucasus (1944–1957) // Spekali, Bilingual Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Journal of the Faculty of Humanities at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University . URL: http://www.spekali. tsu.ge/index.php/en/article/viewArticle/5/45 (accessed 02.11.2019). 29. Nataev S. A. Chechenskie taipy. Problemy izucheniya prirody, struktury i istoricheskoy dinamiki sotsial’nykh institutov chechentsev. [Chechen tayp s. Problems of studying nature, structure and historical dynamics of social institutes of the Chechens]. Makhachkala, 2013. 413 p. (In Russian). 30. Nauchnaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 460-letiyu Sultan-Muta — syna Chopana shamkhala Tarkovskogo, osnovatelya Endireyevskogo vladeniya. Tarki, Yanvar’ 2008. [Conference dedicated to the 460th anniversary of Sultan-Mut — the son of ChopanShamkhal from Tarki, founder of the Endirey domain. Tarki, January 2008]. Makhachkala, 2008. 340 p. (In Russian). 31. Oshaev H. D. Malkhista (k kharakteristike perezhitkov rodovogo stroya) // Revolyutsia i gorets . [Malkhista (to the characteristic of vestiges patrimonial building) // Revolution and Mountaineer ]. 1930. Vol. 8 (22). P. 58–65. (In Russian). 32. Palaguta I. V. Doistoricheskoe i traditsionnoe iskusstvo: na granitse iskusstvoznaniya, arkheologii i etnologii // Aktual’nye problemy teorii i istori iiskusstva: sbornik nauchnykh statey . [Prehistoric and traditional art: on the border between Art History, Archeology and Ethnology] // Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art: Collection of articles . Vol. 7. / Ed. S. V. Mal’tseva, E. Iu. Staniukovich- Denisova, A. V. Zakharova. St Petersburg: St Petersburg Univ. Press, 2017. P. 22–32. (In Russian). 33. Plaetschke B. Die Tschetschenen. Forschungen zur Völkerkunde des nordöstlichen Kaukasus auf Grund von Reisen in den Jahren 1918–1920 und 1927/28 // Veröffentlichungen des Geographischen Instituts der Universität Königsberg Pr. Vol. XI / Herausgegeben von Dr.Arved Schultz. Hamburg: Friederichsen, de Gruyter &Co., 1929. 34. Puti Aravii. Archeologicheskie sokrovishcha Saudovskoy Aravii: katalog vystavki. [Roads of Arabia: Archaeological Treasures from Saudi Arabia: Exhibition catalogue]. St Petersburg, 2011. 264 p. (In Russian). 35. Smirnov N. Yu. Arkheolog Aleksey Vladimirovich Machinskiy // Ladoga i problemy drevney i srednevekovoy istorii Severnoy Evrazii. [Archaeologist Aleksey