Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1

II. Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia / Ближний Восток, Кавказ и Центральная Азия Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 169 Archaelogical Commission (1859–1917). The beginnings of National Archaeology and preservation of cultural heritage / Ed. by Evgeniy N. Nosov and Alexander E. Musin]. St Petersburg, 2009. 1192 p. (In Russian). 16. Ippolitov A. P. Etnograficheskie ocherki Argunskogo okruga (s tremya risunkami) // Sbornik svedeniy o kavkazskikh gortsakh. [Ethnographic sketches ofArgun district (with three figures) // Collected information on the Caucasian mountaineers]. Issue 1. Tiflis, 1868. (In Russian). 17. Isaev S. H., Akhmarov A. U. K istorii izucheniya petroglifov Chechni (kratkiy obzor) // Kavkazovedenie: opyt, problemy I perspektivy. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, posvyashchennoy 100-letiyu izvestnogo uchyenogo-kavkazoveda, professora Valentiny Pavlovny Nevskoy (g. Karachaevsk, 18–19 oktyabrya 2019 g.). [On the history of the study of petroglyphs in Chechnya (an overview) // Caucasian Studies: achievements, problems and prospects. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous specialist in Caucasian Studies Prof. Valentina Pavlovna Nevskaya (Karachaevsk, 18–19th October 2019) / Ed. by P. I. Abaykhanova (Magayaeva)]. Karachaevsk, 2019. P. 146–150. (In Russian). 18. Ivanov A. A. Drakon v iskusstve Kubachi // Ermitazhnye chteniya pamyati V. G. Lukonina (21.01.1932–10.09.1984). K 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya / Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha . [Dragon in Kubachi art // Hermitage readings in memoriam of V. G. Lukoninon the occasion of his 80th anniversary / Proceedings of the State Hermitage ]. Issue LXXII. St Petersburg, 2014. P. 84–97. (In Russian). 19. İslamoğlu M. Seyrânî: hayatı, kişiliği, sanatı, şiirleri. Istanbul: Denge Yayınları, 2002. 376 p. 20. Khapizov Sh. M., Shekhmagomedov M. G. Sufiyskiy orden Khalvatiya v gornoy Avarii: noviye stranitsy istorii sufizma v srednevekovom Dagestane ( XVI–XVII vv.). [The Sufi Order of Khalwatiyya in HighlandAvaria: New Pages in the History of Sufism in Medieval Dagestan (16th–17th Centuries)] // Islamovedenie . 2017. Vol. 8. Iss. 1. P. 70–81. (In Russian). 21. Kononenko E. I. Architektura mecheti kak obyekt interpretatsii. [The architecture of the mosque as an object of interpretation] // Vestnik SPbSU. Arts . 2018. Vol. 8. Issue 1. P. 113–131. (In Russian). 22. KozenkovaV. I. Spetsifika dukhovnogomira kobanskikh plemyen. [Charactersitics of the inner life of Koban culture tribes]. Moscow, 2017. 114 p. (In Russian). 23. Lysenkov P. L. Zametki o pamyatnikakh material’noy kul’tury i ob izobra­ zitel’nom iskusstve Checheno-Ingushetii // Zapiski Checheno-Ingushskogo nauchno- issledovatel’skogo instituta yazyka i istorii. [Notes about monuments of material culture and fine arts of Chechen-Ingushetiya // Proceedingof the Checheno-Ingush Research Institute of Language and History]. Vol. 1. Grozny, 1938. P. 37–49. (In Russian). 24. Mammaev M. M. K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii iskusstva s. Kubachi. [On the origin of art of Kubachi village] // Vestnik Instituta IAE . 2016. Vol. 3. P. 119–139. (In Russian).