XXX Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 19–21 июня 2019 г. Т. 1
«Книга в истории и культуре Востока»... к 150-летию академика В. В. Бартольда (1869–1930). Ч. 1 61 the circulating copies are not returned to us, then we find ourselves with a problem. Out of print monographs have been an on-going problem for us, thereforewe need to explore digitization projects in the near future to sustain thismuch used and important collection. The library reference interviews with faculty, students, and visiting scholars, have been really interesting and challenging. My challenge as a non-Arabic speaker is to work with the Arabic portion of the collection. Our catalog is very sophisticated and most items are searchable in both Arabic and English, so I can easily direct patrons to the books on the shelf. Our Arabic language electronic resources are nearly impossible for me to assist, because the interface is also in Arabic, yet this is where many of the primary source documents are located. At this time, few Emiratis are qualified with a master’s degree in library and information science from an accredited library program; so there are some staff working in the library, but very few Emirati librarians in UAE libraries. Collection development and reference questions for Emirates History and UAE information is one of my favorites, because of the functional challenge of working with these materials and intellectual inquiry that goes with it. Often the topic is chosen because the patron is deeply interested in the topic, so this is something I hope to share with the participants at the Oriental Congress. Zhang Yun (Shandong University, China) 1 , Maiatckii Dmitri (SPbSU, Russia) Woodcut blockprints and manuscripts of the novel «Hong lou meng» stored in the Scientific Library of the St Petersburg University The Oriental department of the St Petersburg University Scientific Library has a collection of more than twenty old editions of the Chinese classical novel “Hong lou meng” (“Dream in the Red Chamber”). They are woodcut-blockprints, manuscripts and lithographs made before 1900. This is an extremely valuable collection, because some of these books could be rare in China and may attract deep interest of scholars not only in China, but also in the whole world. The present paper analyzes 20 editions of the novel studied during Zhang Yun’s visit to St Petersburg University in 2018. The earliest edition of the novel stored in the Library is a book fromP. Kamensky’s collection. Its shelf number is xyl. 327. The book is well preserved; it consists of 4 tao and 24 volumes; size 16.6 × 10.9 cm. This edition is very rare and precious, since it is regarded to be “the first edition by Cheng” (“Cheng jia ben”). Another early edition xyl. 2054 is a collection book, containing a part of “the first edition by Cheng” (“Cheng jia ben”) (chapters 9–15, 26–65, 71–75, 96–115) and 1 Dr. ZhangYun’s participation in the XXXCongress has been supported by theAdvanced Institute of Confucian Studies (Shandong University, China).
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