Т. 2. Азия и Африка: Наследие и современность
Asia and Africa: their Heritage and Modernity. Vol. 2 193 СЕКЦИЯ XVII. ИСТОЧНИКОВЕДЕНИЕ И ИСТОРИОГРАФИЯ КОРЕИ HISTORIOGRAPHY OF KOREA Guryeva Anastasia (FAAS, St Petrsburg State University) Development of Korean Literature Studies in Korea (in Reference to the Traditional View of Literature) 1 The Study of Korean Literature in Korea is usually considered as a rather recent phenomenon emerged at the break of the 19 th and 20 th CC. Literature-related com- mentaries left by educated men of previous ages are mostly regarded as early literary criticism 2 . Such attempts to consider literary texts as an object of study demonstrated a research approach; however, they did not form any special academic school or trend. In the course of the 20 th C., the philology school involved in the study of literature was formed in Korea with several generations of scholars differentiated according to the specifics of their activities carried out in certain historical circumstances. Nowadays the study of Korean Literature is a rapidly developing academic field, with many scholarly groups and a great variety of approaches. Nevertheless, some main trends and general characteristics of this field of study can be traced. First of all, it is a concentration on facts and the historical background of literary works, as well as a special attention to the written word that had been recorded. The paper aims at tracing stages of development of the Korean literature studies in Korea, with a detailed analysis of its different aspects. With regard to this goal, the paper provides (1) an overview of the prehistory of the study of literature and the evolution of approaches to the literary texts by various 20 th C. philological schools in Korea. The analysis of the main characteristics of the above views will be done 1 The work was supported by the Core University Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2016-OLU-2250002). 2 Kim Hyunggyu . Understanding Korean Literature. M. E. Sharpe. 1997. P. 158–175.
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