За более чем 60-летнюю археологическую жизнь С. Г. участвовал в разных
экспедициях. Но все они были
знаменитой Памиро-Алайской, которая
ныне уже стала археологической легендой. Именно здесь, в 1947–1948 гг.
будущий тюрколог С. Г. Кляшторный получил свою «путевку в археологию».
Mako Gerald (Cambridge University, UK)
Divergent Imperatives: A Comparison of Late 19
Russian and Hungarian Scholarship on the Khazars
For 300 years, the Khazar Qaganate, formed by Turkic nomads, was the stron-
gest empire in Eastern Europe. From a historical perspective, the main importance
of the Khazars was that they shielded the region from attacks from the steppe. The
Pax Chasarica
— unintentionally — allowed the peoples of the Eastern European
steppe, including the early Rus’, to develop under relatively peaceful conditions.
The reason why the historiography of the Qaganate is so problematic lies in
the Khazars’ choice of religion: they adopted Judaism by 827 or 828 at the latest.
Conversion to this earliest of the Abrahamic faiths may seem unusual in itself
and in the history of nomadic conversions. Khazar Qaganate represents a unique
example, being the only major group on the steppe who converts to Judaism. As a
consequence, the scholarship is burdened by an extraordinary number of theories
and prejudices, spiced up with ideologies in great variety. This is not only true to
the 21
but to the 19
century as well.
Quantitatively, in the second half of the 19
century, Hungarian orientalists pro-
duced material on the Khazars that was second only to that of the Russian Empire.
For the most part, the attitude of the scholarship in Hungary differed considerably
from that in Russia, and 19
century nationalism had embraced what it thought to be
the nation’s nomadic heritage: not only it was not diminished, but rather it was often
glorified. All this was in such striking contrast with most of the traditional Russian
viewpoints, thus lends itself to a favorable comparative approach. In this paper I
would like to establish the differences in the trends of scholarship in distinctively
different yet somewhat interconnected cases.
Алпыспаева Г. А. (КАТУ, Астана)
К вопросу об урбанизационных процессах
в среде кочевых племен Евразии
Научный интерес ученых к проблеме урбанизации кочевых обществ
всегда был высок, так как города, наряду с государственностью и культурой,
Кочевники Евразии: памяти С. Г. Кляшторного (1928–2014)