Секция VIII
Logie Andrew (Helsinki University, Finland)
Lee Deok-il’s portrayal of the ‘Colonial View of History’
and his charges against establishment historians
As a part of my current PhD research on ‘The Course of Korean Historiography’
this paper discusses popular historian Lee Deok-il’s writings on ancient Korea and
colonial historiography with a focus on one of his recent books, ‘The Colonial View
of History Inside Ourselves (
우리 안의 식민사관
, 2014)’ in which as a central part
of his argument he accuses both the Northeast Asian History Foundation and the
associated Early Korea Project of promoting the ‘colonial view of history’ to the
detriment of South Korea’s national interests vis-à-vis China’s Northeast Project.
Lee’s own historiography is largely the same as that of the longer establishedYun
Naehyeon; both scholars are regularly labelled as ‘jaeya (
재야, 在野
)’or ‘minjok-juui
민족주의, 民族主義
)’ ‘ethno-nationalist’ historians with their interpretations of
Dan’gun and Old Joseon dismissed by establishment historians as ‘pseudo history’.
Whilst aspects of their methodology and conceptualisation of Old Joseon may indeed
be problematic, the establishment’s apparent refusal to engage them, now leaves
the establishment vulnerable to Lee’s charges that their own historiography is not
supported by primary sources but relies on colonial era distortions and fabricated
Lee’s argument represents only the latest articulation of an ongoing history debate
which nests in the wider discourse of the South Korean political left and perhaps
for this reason it has yet to be addressed by international scholarship. Despite the
politics, Lee’s writings should not be ignored because they are strongly influential on
Koreans’popular conception of their ethnic heritage. Looking beyond any immediate
acrimony, we should ask if any part of Lee’s thesis is valid and if so, how to address it.
Акуленко В. С. (ДВФУ, Владивосток)
Влияние трудов Сон Чжинтхэ на формирование
современной исторической школы Республики Корея
Сон Чжинтхэ по праву считается идейным вдохновителем исторической
школы РК и основателем южнокорейского «нового национализма», сформи-
ровавшего мировоззрение многих учёных в этой стране.
В докладе рассматривается влияние, которое его работы оказали на сложе-
ние и дальнейшее развитие исторической школы Республики Корея.
Основными трудами Сона являются «Введение в историю корейского
народа» (
조선 민족사 개론
, 1948) и «Краткое изложение государственной
истории» (
국사 대요
, 1949). В данных произведениях он излагает основную
суть своей концепции, в настоящее время известной как «идеология нового